Membership is open in several categories to persons, wherever they are on the planet. Please review the TIPRM documents and decide whether you wish to proceed. Members must agree to the governance policies, including the code of ethics and statement on the rights of others.
Membership categories
TIPRM recognises that, in order to achieve its aims, it is necessary to offer membership to a wide range of persons. Corporate membership is not available. Membership is entirely personal. Businesses may choose to coordinate payments for their staff.
Member: An individual who works in the field of pest management, either as a technician or support staff. Note: it is envisaged that there will be in the future several levels of this category, based on training, competence and experience.
Trainee: An individual who is currently training to receive a licence or other form of recognition to work as a fully-fledged pest management technician. This category is open for a maximum of three years and may, on application, be extended to support staff.
Associate: The Associate member category is open to individuals who are employed, or are otherwise active, in the field of pest management supply such as chemical sales and manufacture, marketing, insurance, business services, management in businesses with over 10 technicians, media and the like. The Associate Member will have slightly reduced access to some of the activities available to Members as it is crucial that the broad membership can communicate free of corporate influence.
Honorary: The Honorary Member category is provided to gain the contributions of eminent and retired persons. Honorary Members may be either Honorary Associate Members or Honorary Members. They are not charged any membership fee but are expected to contribute in kind to TIPRM. Examples of those open to this category include research scientists, regulators, retired persons who have made significant contributions and those who through voluntary contribution contribute to Codes, Standards and other industry documents.